My how things have changed! While out for a walk last week, I suddenly realized that Clara had not nursed all day. This wasn’t a big deal since we are working on decreasing the amount of times she nurses in the day anyway. But I knew that there was a good chance that I may soon become uncomfortable. As I was thinking about this, I automatically brought my hands to my chest to feel how full they were (you know that if you have ever nursed a child that you have caught yourself doing the exact same thing!). At that moment, it really struck me how much things have changed. A few years ago, the only reason I would have brought my hands up to my chest would be to make sure the girls were properly aligned. There is NO point in that now because nothing can be properly aligned in those god-awful nursing bras. And forget about taking the time to actually take a shower and make myself look decent in the mornings. I have bags under my eyes that go on for days, somehow it seems like the wrinkles on my forehead have tripled in the past year, my hair is always a mess, and I’m lucky if my clothes half-way match. Let’s not even talk about the fact that I would never be caught dead in a bikini again! But pregnancy and child-birth haven’t been completely all bad to my figure. I actually weigh slightly less than when I got pregnant thanks to never being able to sit down and with a child that likes to be constantly carried, my arms are as toned as they have ever been.
It’s hard to feel good about yourself when you feel like you are constantly a mess. There was once a time when it was not uncommon for me to get a second look from a stranger, but now I’m convinced that I have either completely disappeared or that I have a huge sign on my head that reads “I clean up poop most of my day.” Don’t get me wrong, I am a happily married woman but it’s nice to occasionally have confirmation that I can still look good. It’s hard to find time for yourself after you have kids, but it’s important to do something every day that is just for you….thanks Amy for these words of wisdom! Clara has made my life 100 times more perfect and I gladly accept all the black circles, stretch marks, and grey hairs that came along with her. However it’s nice to also have something that reminds yourself that the former you is still in there somewhere!
So I challenge all you moms to do one thing for yourself every day this week. Be it exercising, taking a yoga class, putting on your make-up, taking a long bath, or making sure you brush your hair J! You may even decide to get wild and have one glass of wine before passing out on the couch! Go for it!
Oldies but goodies:
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